Five Reasons to Move in Your 30s
Most people feel like they need to “have it all together” in their 30s. Despite crushing interest rates, astronomical inflation and a seemingly never-ending stream of “unprecedented events”, millenials still feel enormous pressure to have already ticked off all the boxes of a “happy life” by now, or at least be well on our way to doing so. But what if we haven’t yet, and are nowhere close? Or worse, what if we HAVE and are still miserable? As someone who has lived in 6 cities as an adult (if you count my three months in Granada, Spain for a semester abroad, which I definitely do!), I can tell you with certainty that my experience of living in different places have been the most significant and enjoyable parts of my life. I recently moved to Miami – which I had been planning for over 2.5 years – and it changed…
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