Learning to Bloom Even When the Flowers Aren’t
When I moved to the West Coast, I had to internalize the rhythm and the feeling of the seasons. Since the weather is nice almost year round, there is barely any indication that the seasons have shifted at all. Now that I am back on the East Coast, where the weather will LET you know what season we are in, it is definitely easier to keep track. However, this week’s blizzard (on the second official day of Spring) is proof that the correlation between weather and season is not always accurate.What I have found to be a more important indicator than weather, though, is the ebb and flow of energy that take place, which naturally coincide with the seasons. Like the phases of the moon, there are four distinct seasons. In the Winter, we are naturally more introspective, storing energy and “hibernating”; it is a time of initiation, setting intentions,…
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