Saying Goodbye to Summer and HE-LLO to Fall!
I don’t know about y’all, but this summer was a ROLLER coaster for me! Since the summer officially started in June, I have gone through a breakup, had a birthday, gotten into multiple blowout fights with my family (that I live with), gone to NYC twice, started a new job, ended that same job, been depressed at least once and also had countless weekends filled with friends and fun. SHEESH! I am exhausted just typing that sentence! Before I get too much into fall planning and looking ahead, I want to reflect on what I have done the last few months. Some of y’all might have read my summer bucket list post a few months ago, so I will go through that and see what I can check off Outdoor concerts and festivals – finally made it to one (Trillectro) on the LAST day of summer! Trip to NYC – twice! Once…
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