Setting Myself Up for an Abundant Year: 2021 Reflections and 2022 Intentions
As I am sitting here writing this – four days into the new year, sick with what I think is Covid but can’t confirm due to all the testing sites being booked up and home testing kits being booked up – it doesn’t quite feel like a new year yet. I am still feeling the tentacles of 2021 penetrating my brain, body and spirit! However, it is sunny (albeit freezing) for the first time in over a week, and I am going to take that as a win! I think it’s safe to say that the last couple years have been HARD on all of us. Despite how much 2020 threw us all for a loop, I still somehow managed to accomplish every single one of my goals and escape SOMEWHAT unscathed. But 2021? Man…2021 hit me over the head with a wooden bat, dragged me into a dumpster in…
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